Don't Let Your Retirement Money Slip Away: How to Recover Lost Funds

Mary Singleton
Published Mar 2, 2025

In an age of job hopping and relocation, it's easy to lose track of retirement accounts from past employers. But that money is still yours - you just have to find it.

The good news is there are many resources to help you hunt down forgotten 401(k)s, pensions, and other workplace benefits.

Recovering lost retirement funds could provide a financial windfall and help ensure your future security. 


Where to Check

Former Employers

The first place to check is with former employers. Contact their HR or benefits department and provide details about the dates you worked there and the types of retirement plans offered.

Ask for statements, account numbers, and the names of any financial firms involved. Even if the company has changed hands or closed down, the new organization may still have records to help you claim what's yours.


Next, tap into national databases that can help locate lost accounts.

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and National Registry of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits allow you to search records from across the U.S. to find forgotten funds. You just need to provide some personal details like your Social Security number.

These free services have connected people with billions of dollars in unclaimed retirement money.


Checking with the Social Security Administration is also a good idea. They may have information on any pensions, 401(k)s or IRAs reported by former employers.

Your annual Social Security statements could also list details about accounts you've forgotten over time. 


The Next Steps

If you find a lost retirement fund, start the process to claim it as soon as possible. This typically involves:
  • contacting the financial institution that holds the account
  • providing verification of your identity
  • in some cases, getting paperwork notarized
Be patient, as it can take weeks or months for the funds to become available. But recovering money that can help support you in retirement is worth the effort.

Don't let lost retirement benefits slip through the cracks. Take action now to track down any forgotten accounts from your career.

Financial security later in life depends on the steps you take today. Reclaim what's rightfully yours - your future self will thank you.

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