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Clever Ways to Find Unclaimed Funds

There are billions of dollars in unclaimed funds around the world. Unfortunately, the process of claiming it remains a nightmare for most people. The good news is many new and innovative ways to search for and claim unclaimed money. Bes...

Shocking Discoveries: Unclaimed Fortune Awaits - Are You Missing Out?

In a world full of hidden treasures, it's hard to believe that there are unclaimed funds, money, and resources waiting to be discovered by rightful owners. From forgotten bank accounts to abandoned ...

Supreme Court to Rule on Student-athlete Compensation by June 2020

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case to see if college athletes could have limits placed on non-cash payments made to students who compete in the Big Ten, Southeastern, Atlantic Coast, Big 12...

How to Boost Credit Score to Get Lower Car Payments

One of the biggest challenges for a person who has low income is getting a low car payment. The individual may have a credit score that isn't in the gutter, but the top lenders still won't touch him. The subprime len...

Business and Residents Sue Seattle for the CHOP Zone

The protests in Seattle in the wake of the death of George Floyd have drawn nationwide attention. Protestors in the city have seized control of a several-block area in the city as police have left the area and ceded con...

Lawsuit Stemming from the Flint Water Crisis Can Proceed

The class action lawsuit against Flint for the widespread contamination of the city's water supply has now cleared a key legal hurdle and can proceed further in court. The Michigan Supreme Court issued a ruling ...

Discover Your Hidden Fortune: Unclaimed Cash in North Carolina

Did you know that there could be unclaimed cash waiting for you in North Carolina? It's true! With almost $1.3 billion in unclaimed cash and property sitting at the NC State Treasurer's Office, you mi...

Stop Leaving Money on the Table: Tips for Locating Your Lost Funds

Do you know that a massive sum of money could be yours without ever knowing? Millions of dollars in unclaimed funds await their legitimate proprietors to take them. From uncashed paychecks to neglected ban...

Discover How You Could Be Sitting on a Goldmine of Unclaimed Money

Millions of unclaimed money sit in government accounts waiting for the owners. It could belong to you or someone in your family, and it may have been sitting there for years without anyone knowing. These fun...